EXIST Start-up Grant (BMWK)

Category: Company foundation from science
Funder: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and co-financed with funds from the European Social Fund for Germany (ESF)
Topic: Teams consisting of graduates, scientists and (not majority) students who want to convert their start-up idea into a business plan in the environment of their university/research institution and prepare the foundation of an innovative knowledge or technology-based company are supported. High degree of innovation and good economic prospects are among the prerequisites.
Type of funding and project duration: Application via the scientific institution that accepts the founding team for the project. Project funding as a non-repayable grant. Funding duration maximum 12 months. A maximum of 3 living allowances as well as material resources and coaching are funded per team.
Funding amount: Scholarship: 3,000 EUR/month for doctorates, 2,500 EUR/month for graduates, 1,000 EUR/month for students, 2,500 EUR/month for technical staff, plus 150 EUR/month child allowance per child; Material resources max. 10,000 EUR for individual foundations and max. 30,000 EUR for teams, coaching max. 5,000 EUR.
Deadline: The submission of funding applications is possible continuously until 31.12.2027. For the application, integration into a university start-up network is mandatory, we as the transfer and start-up service of the MLU are very happy to support you. Competent contact persons for your application can be found in the right column.
Moritz Bradler
Paracelsusstraße 22
(room 002)
telephone: +49 345 55-21441
Telefax: +49 345 55-27513
EXIST Research Transfer

Submission: each on 31.03., 31.08 and 30.11.
Category: Research & Innovation
Funder: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and co-financed with funds from the European Social Fund for Germany (ESF)
Topic: Outstanding research-based start-up projects that are associated with complex and risky development work are supported.
Type of funding and project duration: The funding includes two phases. Funding phase I: Project funding of the development work for start-up preparation, funding phase II (after start-up): Project funding of the development work for company start-up. The grants can be awarded as non-repayable grants in the course of project funding for a period in phase 1 of 18 to a maximum of 36 months in exceptional cases or in phase 2 of usually 18 months (funding phase II). Personnel, material resources and coaching are funded.
Funding amount: Phase 1: Personnel costs plus up to 250 TEUR. Phase 2: Up to 180 TEUR grant, with additional own funds in a ratio of 1:3.
Deadline: The submission of project sketches for funding phase I is possible from 1 January to 31 January and from 1 July to 31 July of a calendar year. The funding phase II can be applied for 6 months before the end of the funding phase I, provided the start-up is continued.
Competent contact persons will be happy to support you in your application (see right column).
Moritz Bradler
Paracelsusstraße 22
(room 002)
telephone: +49 345 55-21441
Telefax: +49 345 55-27513
GO-Bio initial
Title: GO-Bio initial
Category: Research and Innovation
Initiator / Organizer: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Topic: The subject of the funding is the identification and further development of life science exploitation ideas, preferably from the areas of "therapeutics", "diagnostics", "platform technologies" and "research tools", from their conceptual design to the verification of feasibility and possible exploitation options.
Participation requirement: For this funding measure, very raw, sketchy exploitation ideas can still be submitted, for which there does not yet have to be a patented technology for realization. Likewise, the exploitation path does not have to be finally determined at the beginning of the funding, as this is often not reliably predictable at an early stage of innovation. As submitters, leaders or team members of the funded research projects, people who are in a professional orientation or reorientation phase are particularly eligible, i.e. on the one hand master's students, doctoral students or postdocs who can imagine a career outside the classic science system (e.g. in a spin-off or the industry), and on the other hand experienced professionals who want to try something new again.
Application deadline: annually on 15.02.
Competent contact persons will be happy to support you in your application (see right column).
Moritz Bradler
Paracelsusstraße 22
(room 002)
telephone: +49 345 55-21441
Telefax: +49 345 55-27513
ego.-Start-up Transfer
Funder: The state of Saxony-Anhalt with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE)
Topic: Promising innovative start-up projects are to be individually supported already in the pre-start-up phase by the granting of subsidies and the potential founders are to be promoted in the further development of their business idea up to the start-up. A prerequisite for funding is that each person to be funded has an academic degree and that his or her project is in the pre-start-up phase. Applications are made with the involvement of the start-up service by the university. The start-up projects should have sustainable economic prospects and convincing market opportunities.
Category: Research & Development with the aim of preparing a company foundation.
Deadline: ongoing, project duration until Sep. 30. 2022
Type of funding and project duration: Non-repayable grant. Project duration is not specified.
Subject of funding: Personnel expenses for up to three team members (maximum half position TV-L E 13) or material expenses (e.g. material and consumption costs, for equipment items for the preparation of the foundation, expenses for studies, licenses, fees etc.)
Funding amount: Maximum 75,000 euros per person. If it is a team foundation, a maximum of three individuals of the team are funded.
Moritz Bradler
Paracelsusstraße 22
(Room 002)
Phone: +49 345 55-21441
Fax: +49 345 55-27513
ego.-START - Start-up Scholarship
Funder: State of Saxony-Anhalt with funds from the European Social Fund for Germany (ESF)
Topic: Existence founders and business successors are supported in realizing their business ideas.
Category: Business Start-up
Type of funding and project duration: Start-up scholarship for innovative or technology and knowledge-based company foundation. The person-related start-up scholarship can be granted in the amount of 2,000 euros per month for a period of up to 18 months.
Funding amount: Grant in the amount of 2,000 euros/month
Date: Ongoing until June 06. 2024
Moritz Bradler
Paracelsusstraße 22
(Room 002)
Phone: +49 345 55-21441
Fax: +49345 55-27513
Moritz Bradler
Paracelsusstraße 22
(Raum 002)
phone: 0345 55-21441
fax: 0345 55-27513