Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


Referat 6.3 - Transfer- und Gründungsservice

phone: 0345 55-22955
fax: 0345 55-27513

Paracelsusstraße 22
06114 Halle (Saale)

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Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office

Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg supports the effective transfer of knowledge and technology by transferring research results to society and the economy through business start-ups from studies and science. Students and scientists contribute to solving social challenges with their enthusiasm for experimentation, original ideas for products, services and technologies and their business start-ups.

The university encourages students and academics to think and act entrepreneurially and offers its members support in acquiring entrepreneurial skills. In addition, start-up teams are supported in project management, business model development and the acquisition of funding for the pre-seed and seed phase.

The Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office is the central information and advice center for MLU members, graduates and alumni interested in starting a business. The support is practice-oriented and phase-related, along the entire start-up process - from the initial idea to the development of a viable business model to market entry.

Support offers for idea development:

  • Potential assessment of your idea
  • Mediation of innovation methods and tools
  • Technical guidance in the development of a business model
  • Advice on legal protection issues
  • Support in the development of exploitation scenarios
  • Access to topic-related incubators (Scidea Labs)
  • Support in idea and talent development specifically for women
  • Networking with potential development partners

Support offers for project and concept development:

  • Advice on suitable funding programs (state and federal level)
  • Support in the application for funding and realization of your innovative start-up projects
  • Support in the development of pitch decks for various use cases
  • Technical guidance for optimizing business models and developing business cases
  • Needs-based organization and implementation of start-up specific qualification and further education offers
  • Assessment of market potentials

Support offers in the start-up phase:

  • Advice on start-up formalities
  • Support in identifying financing options
  • Contact mediation to other founders, mentors, network partners and investors
  • Start-up specific offers for competence development
  • Access to actors and offers of the regional start-up ecosystem



phone: 0345-55 22957

Begleitung und Unterstützung Gründungsvorhaben und internationalen Gründerteams,Konzeption und Durchführung von gründungsbezogenen zweisprachigen Veranstaltungen, Veranstaltungsmoderation


Koordinator:in Gründungsbegleitung

phone: 0345-55 22967

Ideen- und Geschäftsmodellentwicklung, Fördermittelberatung, fachkundige Stellungnahmen, Umsetzung von didaktischen Formaten zur Befähigung zu Ideenentwicklung, fachliche Betreuung u.a.Exist Women Stipendiatinnen der MLU), Mentorinnenprogramm
